
Fast and reliable data transmission up to 9600 bit/s
Key Facts The multimode HF Modem R&S®GM2200 is currently the most advanced serial HF data modem and is fully integrated in the R&S®XK2000 radio equipment family. This modem can form the backbone of a fast and reliable data transmission system. Thus large volumes of data such as fax, video still pictures and electronicmail from PC to PC can be sent rapidly anywhere in the world. The modem makes it possible to transmit data economically and reliably via shortwave at high speed (up to 9600 bit/s) in contrast to traditional data transmission techniques such as radioteletype (RTTY) that allow 50 Bd or 100 Bd only.
Features & Benefits
  • Multistandard HF modem
  • Single-tone modem technology
  • Forward error correction (FEC)
  • Short preamble (Rohde & Schwarz waveforms)
  • Remote control (ASCII code)
  • CW suppression
  • Compact plug-in module
  • Built-in test (BIT)
  • Software available for:
    • R&S®GM2200S advanced waveforms
    • STANAG 4285
    • MIL-STD-188-110 A, Section 5.3
    • STANAG 4529
    • MIL-STD-188-110 B, App. C/ STANAG 4539, Annex B, Section 4
All these waveforms can be ordered in any combination, i.e. separately and independently of each other, and activatedin the R&S®XK2000. The modem waveforms are the basis for reliable and error-free HF data transmission. When used together with an ARQ data link protocol, error-free data flow is ensured. Waveforms in line with STANAG and MIL-STD such as the new 9600 bit/s high-speed waveform (STANAG 4539, Annex B, Section 4) cannot be used togetherwith the RSX.25 protocol. For these waveforms, radio protocols such as STANAG 5066 are available on request. The Message Handling System R&S®PostManII uses the Rohde & Schwarz 2700 bit/s and 5400 bit/s advanced waveforms (R&S®GM2200S) in combination with the proprietary ARQ protocol RSX.25.''